Expert advice to help you navigate college admissions.

  • Ask your questions during live Q&As with college admissions experts and current/former admissions officers & a video library of 100+ past sessions
  • Track your progress with a complete checklist of what you should be doing and when
  • Members-only community with parents like yourself and our team of experts
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Expert advice to help you navigate college admissions.

  • Ask your questions during live Q&As with accredited college admissions experts & a video library of 50+ past sessions
  • Track your progress with a complete checklist of what you should be doing and when
  • Members-only community with our team of experts and parents like yourself
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happy parent

"My daughter just received her first acceptance letter.... it's from her top choice school & she was awarded their highest scholarship! Having access to the group's experts was certainly a great help and huge stress reliever as we navigated the admissions process."

College is the second biggest purchase you’re going to make in your family’s lifetime.

But the options out there to guide you through the college admissions process are not always helpful...

High school counselors can be overwhelmed.

“The average student-to-counselor ratio in American high schools is 430:1. Research shows school counselors are able to devote only about 20 percent of their time advising students about the college admission process. “ -Forbes

Private college counselors cost a small fortune.

Private one-to-one advising can be unaffordable.

Free forums offer a sea of opinions,
but not expert advice.

You don't need more opinions.

You need answers.

Parents going through the college application process need affordable and reliable answers and advice. We made the Grown & Flown: College Admissions Membership for you.

You will get answers, in live sessions, to your questions about applying and paying for college.

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"Thank you for your expertise, and for your efforts in making this service a reality for those of us who have super smart kids, but can't quite afford to spend a lot on a private college consultant for each of them.”

The Grown & Flown Difference

Our members have unparalleled access to world-class college admissions experts through live Q&As, a video library of 60+ past sessions and written forums.

Live Q&A sessions with a team of experts that you won't find anywhere else covering everything about college admissions.

Admittance Success: 93% of our students get admitted into one of their top 3 choice schools, and get an average of over $31,000 in financial and merit aid.

A members-only college admissions community with parents like yourself and our team of experts.

“We’re fortunate to be moving forward smoothly with the process, and I attribute some of that to all the wonderful advice from your experts and posts from others! From the bottom of my calmer-than-I-expected heart, thank you all!”

“I think the membership is very helpful. One aspect I really enjoy is that it’s not just geared toward “elite” schools.  I also like that you are touching on every aspect of the process.”


"As a parent who has gone through admissions twice, I can say that the benefit is that you have real access to high quality professionals- it’s not just they present and you hope they cover your questions. You can ask specific questions at any time. For us, it’s been better than relying on a single professional and much more affordable."

“This is a must have for any parent of a HS student. In the past 8 months I've learned a ton and feel much more confident about the entire college admission process.”

“I highly recommend this group! I learned so much from all the experts, especially about the finances of college! Definitely a worthwhile investment for juniors and seniors! ”

"I absolutely recommend this College Admissions Membership. I've been a member since the first month. It's amazing having access to the experts almost anytime. They pop into the posts when people have questions. You can ask questions for them to answer in the facebook lives ahead of time. The monthly fee is worth every single penny. Our daughter is an average student not looking to go to the Ivies and we have gotten the same respect and consideration as if she was applying to the Ivies. She's been accepted to 8 schools (so far!). We aren't able to afford a private college counselor who would have pretty much given the same types of information. Our daughter's top pick out of her 8 acceptances is a financial/social/academic fit because of all we have learned from these experts and the other parents in the group!"

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  • Live Q&A’s with College Admissions Experts
  • Video library of 50+ previous sessions
  • Track your progress with our College Admissions Map
  • Members-only forum with experts and other parents
  • Access on any device, any time
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“Joining this group has been the best money I have spent all month. I feel so lucky to have found this. I had no idea this was a thing!”

For any high school parent who wants…

  • The support of experts to specific questions as they come up throughout the college application process.
  • Guidance on getting into any college, not just elite schools.
  • To give their child the best chance at their top choice school.
  • Unbiased guidance on making the best financial decision for their family.

The path to a successful future starts here.

Say goodbye to feeling overwhelmed and start enjoying this precious time with your teenager.

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